

Smith Elected President, Gardner Vice-President, Austin Secretary.

As a result of the elections held yesterday the following were chosen officers of the Junior class: president, Horace Jeremiah Smith, of Denver, Col.; vice-president, Henry Burchell Gardner, of New York; secretary-treasurer, Perry Gwynne More Austin, of Santa Barbara, Cal. The balloting was as follows: for president, H. J. Smith 193, A. M. Goodale 127, S. M. Felton, 3d, 51; for vice-president, H. B. Gardner 159, D. C. Parmenter 140, F. W. Hubbell 66; for secretary-treasurer, P. G. M. Austin 173, R. B. Batchelder 126, W. Tufts, Jr., 65.

The following eight men were elected to the Student Council: H. J. Smith, ex-officio, P. G. M. Austin, R. B. Batchelder, A. M. Goodale, E. A. Graustein, A. J. Lowrey, G. H. Roosevelt, and P. L. Wendell.
