

Plans for Work Outlined.-Coach Sexton in Charge.

Fall practice will begin for all candidates for the University baseball team on Soldiers Field this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Coach Sexton will be on hand and will have complete charge of the work this fall, as well as this winter and next spring. All Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores who hope to play baseball next spring, or who have any ability whatever, should report so that Coach Sexton may get an idea of the material which he will have to work with in the spring. Games will be played daily as long as the weather permits.

The prospects of the baseball team this year are extraordinarily bright. Last year Coach Sexton, without the advantage of previous knowledge of the men, and without any extraordinary array of material, turned out a team which defeated Yale at Cambridge and at New Haven, rendering a game in New York unnecessary. This year with Captain Potter, Reeves, Desha, and Gibson in College, the infield is nearly intact, while Coon and Wingate are likely to give several of the veterans hard fights for infield positions. Material for first base appears to be difficult to find. Milholland, first base on last year's Freshman team, may fit into the position. Felton and Beebe, both of whom were ineligible last spring, should be able to fill the places of McLaughlin and Sexton, the first string pitchers, who were lost by graduation. In addition Boyle and Waterman who held the Yale freshmen to a 1 to 1 tie for 13 innings last spring and Babson, Bird, Ernst, and Hardy, of last year's University squad, will be candidates for the box position. Babson, Wigglesworth, Clifford, and Kelly should fill in the outfield positions. With such a wealth of material at his disposal, first base being the only position without a veteran, Coach Sexton will endeavor to find a strong batting combination, and a team of even harder hitters than last year is expected.
