

Light Work for University and Freshman Squads.--Fisher Slightly Hurt.

University football practice yesterday afternoon was very light. Coach Haughton gave the men a long blackboard talk, criticizing the work in the Williams game, and then took them out on the field. The squad is in excellent condition after Saturday's game, Captain Fisher being the only man at all injured. He has a slight bruise on the knee, which will not, however, keep him out of any of the regular work or games. Teams A, and B were lined up for a dummy scrimmage, which was followed by a long signal drill. A number of new formations were worked out and will be used in this afternoon's scrimmage.

Freshman Football Practice.

Work for the Freshman squad was rather light yesterday afternoon. Practice began as usual with running down under punts and a strenuous drill for the linemen, after which the team withdrew to the Locker Building for a blackboard talk by Coach Dewey. Later a squad picture was taken, followed by a 10-minute drill at the tackling dummies. Then signal practice and a brief scrimmage between the first and second teams was held. On the whole the work of the team was crude and a tendency toward sluggishness was evident. Hard practice during the rest of the week, however, should eradicate this fault.
