

We heartily approve of publicity in regard to Phi Beta Kappa. Far too few underclassmen realize what membership in the society implies. But the CRIMSON holds that the cause of this ignorance lies rather with the rules of admission to the Harvard chapter than in a unique indifference on the part of Harvard underclassmen. To be eligible for the Chapter during freshman and Sophomore year and to establish a fixed standard which, if attained, insures admission, would prove two very powerful agents toward informing newcomers that Phi Beta Kappa exists.

Under the present rules such a situation as is outlined in the first paragraph of this morning's article is only too frequent. For the man just entering college, Phi Beta Kappa is over two years away. During that time the candidate has at best a vague idea of his chances for the junior Eight. Neither of these facts tends to keep up his interest in what should be one of the most popular competitions is College.
