

Set for Thursday Before Last Wednesday in June.--College to Open Earlier.

At the meeting of the Board of Overseers held last Wednesday, it was voted to amend the eighth statute of the University so as to read as follows:

"Academic year. The Academic year begins on the Monday preceding the last Wednesday in September. The annual Commencement is held on the Thursday preceding the last Wednesday in June. The vacation begins at Commencement and ends on the Saturday preceding the last Wednesday in September."

This amendment regarding the changes in the College year came largely as a result of conflicts in the dates of the boat race with Yale, Commencement, Class Day and the Yale baseball games. Last June, for example, the date of Class Day, which for years had been the Friday preceding Commencement, was changed to Thursday so as not to interfere with the Yale ball game, and the boat race, coming as it did two days after Commencement, was more than a week after Yale's commencement.

Under this new amendment it is hoped to arrange the days of Commencement week somewhat as follows: Monday, Phi Beta Kappa Day; Tuesday, Class Day; Wednesday, class dinners; Thursday, Commencement Day; Friday, the boat race. The Yale baseball game in Cambridge will probably be played on the day before or the day after Class Day.

Although it is not yet definitely settled, it is probable that the final examination period will begin a few days earlier than usual.
