The University football team will play the third game of its schedule with Williams in the Stadium this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Last year Williams was defeated 21 to 0 in a game featured by the team-work of the Harvard players. Williams presents in its line-up but three of the men who played in the game last year. Thus far the team has not shown anything but mediocre calibre, tieing Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in a no-score game and being defeated last Saturday by the Springfield Training School, 6 to 3. In the latter game Williams out-rushed Springfield and showed better defensive play than its opponents, holding them to two first downs. Springfield's score was the direct result of an intercepted forward pass. The team has been coached by Fred Daly, captain of the Yale team last year, and is well versed in the fundamentals of the game. Nagle at left half is the individual star of the team, his game being marked by sensational runs in the broken field.
The University team will start the game with two changes from the line-up presented last Saturday, Leslie taking Keays's place at left guard and T. H. Frothingham playing at fullback in place of Morrison. Storer will start the game at centre but Huntington will undoubtedly play part of the game in that position. A large part of the past week's coaching has been toward developing speed and team-work, and much improvement in these particulars should be seen in today's game.
The two teams will line-up as follows: Referee--J. B. Pendleton, Bowdoin. Umpire--F. W. Burleigh, Worcester Tech. Field judge--W. R. Oakeson, Lehigh. Head linesman--L. H. Andrews. Time--Four 12-minute periods. Short Practice Yesterday Afternoon. There was no scrimmage yesterday afternoon for the University squad, signal practice being held for about twenty minutes. Individual coaching constituted a large part of the afternoon's work and a good deal of attention was paid towards making the defence for the punters more effective. Fisher and Potter were given practice in kicking goals and the latter tried several field-goals.
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