

It is with the greatest satisfaction that the CRIMSON announces this morning that the proposed "Commencement Week" is at least within the range of the probable.

The confusion incident to the arrangements for academic and athletic dates last June, especially as regarded the Yale boat race and Class Day, went to show that a rearrangement was necessary. For this purpose a committee from the Faculty in conference with President Lowell and the deans of the various professional schools drew up a schedule which was submitted to a number of graduates. The resolution, as far as a definite date for Commencement was concerned, met with their approval and has resulted in the announced change in the University statutes.

We hope that this apparently insignificant alteration implies the complete adoption of the committee's recommendations, several of which are outlined on another page. As we pointed out in these columns last June, the value of concentrating into one week events which were formerly spread over two weeks, possesses a very obvious advantage. Under the program of the past few years it has been impossible for alumni from the West to attend the Yale baseball game and the boat race without an absence from home of nearly two weeks. Under the proposed schedule "several consecutive days, well filled with events which all Harvard men want to attend, would become the acknowledged meeting time for all the classes."

We feel that the adoption of the new scheme will result in a far more unifled and effective grouping of the athletic and academic events which mark the close of the College year.
