

Tables Showing Number of Men Entering by New and Old Plans.

The CRIMSON publishes in two tables the distribution of the Freshman class by localities showing the number of men entering by the new and the old plans of admission. The first table gives the number of men from each state or country and the second groups the states into geographical divisions. In no case is a dropped Freshman counted, and for this reason the total registration of the class is less than given in the official figures published Wednesday morning. Distribution by States and Countries.   Old Plan  New Plan  Total Alabama,  0  1  1 Colorado,  0  1  1 Connecticut,  17  3  20 Dist. of Columbia,  0  3  3 Georgia,  0  1  1 Illinois,  8  2  10 Indiana,  0  0  0 Iowa,  0  0  0 Kentucky,  0  1  1 Maine,  3  2  5 Maryland,  1  0  1 Massachusetts,  401  34  435 Michigan,  3  1  4 Minnesota,  2  1  3 Missouri,  2  2  4 Nebraska,  0  1  1 New Hampshire,  41  0  41 New Jersey,  9  5  14 New York,  33  12  45 Ohio,  8  3  11 Oregon,  0  0  0 Pennsylvania,  5  4  9 Rhode Island,  11  0  11 Texas,  1  0  1 Utah,  0  0  0 Vermont,  0  1  1 Virginia,  0  1  1 Washington,  0  3  3 Wisconsin,  1  1  2 Canada,  1  0  1 England,  2  0  2 Germany,  1  0  1 Hawaii,  1  0  1 Switzerland,  1  0  1 Total,  552  83  635 Distribution by Divisions.   Old Plan  New Plan  Total No. Atlantic Div.,  520  61  581 So. Atlantic Div.,  1  5  6 No. Central Div.,  24  11  35 So. Central Div.,  1  2  3 Western Div.,  0  4  4 U. S. Dependencies,  1  0  1 Foreign.  5  0  5 Total,  552  83  635
