

Instruction for Boy Scout Leaders.

[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I wish to call the attention of members of the University to a class for the instruction of boy scout leaders which meets first on Wednesday, January 11.

Doubtless the Boy scout Movement is familiar to many. It is a non-sectarian effort, now extending throughout this country and England, with the aim of utilizing the normal impulses of boys for lout-of-door life and for adventure, by organizing them into group under an older leader to aid in their development into alert, useful citizens. The movement is meant for all classes of boys and the groups are organized in sympathy with and not in opposition to existing organizations.

At present the greatest obstacle to the growth of the movement is the small number of men qualified for leadership of the "patrols." To meet this need, a class for leaders is being organized to meet weekly on Wednesdays from 7.30 to 9.30 P. M. from January 11 to April 5, at the Boston Y. M. C. A., 10 Ashburton place, for instruction by various experts, such as the state Forester the state Ornithologist, etc. The class is open to the first 25 men who apply, and it is desirable that some Harvard men be among the number. Applications should be made to D. S. Gates. Secretary, Boston Y. M. C. A., and further information may be obtained at Brooks House. A. BRINK '11
