

While an effort is being made by the University authorities to raise the standard of scholarship, no project seems to have been undertaken for improving the conditions under which the undergraduates do their work. The Reading Room in Gore Hall is the only place where a large part of the student body can obtain many of the books in which reading is required, and the necessary rules of the Library prevent borrowing the books most in demand. Under present conditions men are forced to do a great deal of reading in Gore Hall.

Since this is the case, it would seem the duty of those in charge of the Library building to provide for more adequate ventilation. During the present cold weather the atmosphere in the Reading Room has been literally foul, a condition which is unfair, unhealthy, and stupifying. It would seem at least the part of consistency in raising standards to furnish fresh, clean air, if only to make the studious efforts of undergraduates more effective and more attractive to the men themselves.
