
Presentation of Filley Cup Tonight

The Filley Cup for the inter-dormitory rowing championship will be awarded to the Randolph crew in the Randolph Breakfast Room this evening at 7 o'clock. Captain R. W. Cutler '11, of the University crew, will present the cup to B. H. Handy '13, the captain of the Randolph crew. The members of all the dormitory crews that took part in the races last fall are invited to be present.

The cup, a large perpetual challenge trophy which is competed for each year, was presented by Mr. B. A. G. Fuller '00 as a testimonial to O. D. Filley '06, who was captain of the University crew in 1905 and 1906. For the first two years that the cup was offered, 1906 and 1907, it was won by the Claverly crew. In 1908 Mt. Auburn street was victorious, and last year the Thayer crew won it.
