
Lecture on "Roman Religious Life"

Dr. J. B. Carter, Director of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome, will deliver the first of a series of eight free public lectures on "The Religious Life of the Romans from the Foundation of the City until the Death of Gregory the Great," under the auspices of the Lowell Institute, in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston street, Boston, this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The other lectures of the series will be given on the remaining Tuesdays and Thursdays in January. The special subject for today's lecture is "Rome and the Etruscans: the Religion of Agriculture and the Religion of Patriotism."

The dates of the remaining lectures will be as follows:

January 10.--"Rome and Greece: the Religion of Beauty and the Decline of Faith."

January 12.--"The Religion of the Early Empire: Salvation by Reason and Salvation by Faith. Mithras."

January 17.--"Constantine and Christianity."


January 19.--"Julian, called the Apostate, and the Twilight of the Gods."

January 24.--"Augustine, and the City of God."

January 26.--"Benedict and the Ostrogoths. The Problem of the Salvation of Ancient Culture."

January 31.--"Gregory and the Holy Roman Empire."
