The Faculty of Medicine of the University offers this year, as last, a course of free public lectures, to be given at the Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, on Sunday afternoons at 4 o'clock. The first of the series was given last Sunday. The subjects and dates of the remaining lectures are as follows:
January 8.--"Syphilis," Dr. Abner Post M.'70.
January 15.--"The Use and Abuse of Preservatives and other Chemicals in Food Products." Dr. Otto Folin.
January 22.--"The Mouth in its Relation to Disease." Dr. S. A. Hopkins.
January 29.--"Spinal Curvature; What Can Be Done to Keep Our School Children Straight." Dr. E. H. Bradford.
February 5.--"The Correction of Blindness--Especially in Young Children." Dr. Charles H. Williams '71.
February 12.--"Age." Dr. Charles S. Minot p.'78.
February 19.--"The Duties of the Individual in the Maintenance and Improvement of the Public Health." Dr. Theobald Smith h.'01.
February 26.--"Heredity in Mental Disease." Dr. E. E. Southard '97.
March 5.--"Vision and Some of its Illusions." Dr. W. B. Cannon '96.
March 12.--"Surgical Diseases and their Mechanical Nature; What the Layman should Understand of their Early Symptoms and Importance." Dr. M. H. Richardson '73.
March 19.--"What is Food?" Dr. L. J. Henderson '98.
March 26.--"How the Individual Can Protect Himself Against Infection." Dr. Charles V. Chapin.
April 2.--"The Safety of Surgical Operations." Dr. J. G. Mumford '85.
April 9.--"The Personal Hygiene of Women." (To women only). Dr. C. M. Green '74.
April 16.--"Indigestion: Its Causes and Treatment." Dr. Franklin W. White M. '95.
April 23.--"The Roentgen Ray in Medicine and Surgery." Dr. Walter J. Dodd.
April 30.--"Some Common Diseases of the Skin." Dr. Harvey P. Towle '88
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