

The variety in the matter of rooms at Harvard is very great. Rooming places to suit means and tastes of every description are available. On the whole this large choice is desirable, but in the past it has proved a pitfall for many sub-freshmen. In view of the Freshman dormitories this condition is, of course, transitory but will certainly exist for several years to come. The College sends to prospective students a circular containing merely descriptions and prices of the rooms in its own buildings; and apparently it is not to its interest to mention other dormitories.

Freshmen having friends here or from schools that regularly send men to Harvard know the relative desirability of the various buildings and are able to exercise judgment in their choice of rooms. On the other hand, men coming to Harvard from, places so far away that conditions here are not known and understood are at a decided disadvantage. An agreeable room is not a matter of vital importance but it has a great deal to do with the enjoyment and satisfaction to be had from college life, particularly in the Freshman year.

It would not be difficult to draw up a circular naming practically all of the places to room in Cambridge. The prices and a few words of description concerning the various dormitories could very easily be added. If the college authorities do not care to furnish such information to sub-freshmen the Student Council would be eminently well qualified to carry on this work. The cost would be trifling and the real value that such a circular would have for many Freshmen would certainly repay the Council.
