Professor Josiah Royce, of the Department of Philosophy, will conduct during the second half-year a series of weekly discussions on "Some Present Day Religious Problems of Students." The course will be open to a limited number of Seniors. Meetings lasting about one hour will be held in Phillips Brooks House every Thursday evening at 7.30, beginning February 16, and continuing until the April recess.
At the outset all who join the class will be asked to write a short paper stating their ideas on religion in general, the nature of their religious problems and the like. The discussions will be based upon these papers and will be extended to cover allied topics. Professor Royce conducts at Yale a similar course, which is part of the curriculum. The course has there attained remarkable success and it is believed that the discussions here will be of much interest to those who attend regularly.
Further information may be obtained from members of the committee or at Phillips Brooks House. ERNEST ANGELL, R. C. FLOYD, P. D. SMITH, L. WITHINGTON, JR., Committee.
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