
Senatorial Votes for Pres. Lowell

President Lowell received two votes for the position of United States Senator from Massachusetts at the election held in the State House yesterday afternoon. Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge '71 of Nahant was re-elected by 146 votes out of the 279 cast in the joint convention of the House of Representatives and Senate of the State.

The votes for President Lowell came from A. H. Silvester of Worcester and R. A. Wood '03 of Cambridge, two anti-Lodge men. The entire vote was cast as follows: for Henry Cabot Lodge '71, 146; for Sherman L. Whipple, 121; for Butler Ames, 7; for President Lowell, 2; for Curtis Guild, Jr., '81, 1; for John R. Thayer, 1; for Sylvester J. McBridge, 1:
