
Hockey Team Meets Columbia at 8.15

The University hockey team will play the sixth game of its schedule and its first in the Intercollegiate Hockey League against Columbia in the Boston Arena tonight at 8.15. Tickets at 50 and 75 cents and a dollar may be obtained at the door.

The University team has improved a great deal in the past few weeks and in its two games against Canadian teams has learned much hockey. Hornblower and Duncan in the centre positions are the fastest players on the team and work well together, while Seamans, who lacked experience, has improved rapidly at right end. Leslie and Pierce are struggling for left end and seem to be about equal. The defence is very strong and Houston, Blackall and Gardner make three good substitutes.

The Columbia team has two veterans, Lovejoy and Harding, and the goal-tender is F. A. B. Washburn '09, who played a similar position on the University team. In its games so far this season Columbia has lost to Princeton 2 to 0 and has defeated Yale 6 to 4, but since the University team has played neither of these teams, it is difficult to make any comparison.

The line-ups: HARVARD.  COLUMBIA. Pierce, l.e.  r.e., Harris Duncan, l.c.  r.c., Lovejoy Hornblower, r.c.  l.c., Bates Seamans, r.e.  l.e., Harding Huntington, c.p.  c.p., Duden Foster, p.  p., Trimble Chadwick, g.  g., Washburn
