Phillips Brooks House, although not as widely known as many University institutions, has a great influence upon undergraduate life. As a meeting place for all the religious and charitable organizations connected with the University, it forms a clearing-house for ideas and does away with any needless duplication in the administrative work of the component parts of the Phillips Brooks House Association. The undergraduate religious societies work in co-operation with their respective churches outside the University. They endeavor to give men whatever aid they can through weekly meetings and conferences. The Social Service work is carried on largely in connection with the organized charities of Boston and Cambridge. Besides these fields of endeavor in which Brooks House is the centre of activity, reading rooms are provided and a library of text books is maintained for the use of students who find it difficult to provide themselves with the books required in all their courses.
This evening there will be a reception in Brooks House for Freshmen, and a number of graduates and undergraduates will speak. These men are all prominent in University activities of one form or another. Their talks should do much toward explaining to the class of 1914 the duties and opportunities which will confront it in Freshman year. An important element of the reception is the chance offered to those invited of meeting their classmates. The beginning of Freshman year is of all times the easiest in which to make a wide circle of friends. The meeting this evening is the only occasion in several months at which the whole class is able to gather socially, and the opportunity thus offered should not be neglected.
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