If a college class is to be an effective unit in the University community, Co-operation among its members is essential. A class is an unwieldy unit because of its size, but its leaders should not find difficulty in making of its unified body because of a strong and general community of interest. Every undergraduate feels a strong degree of class patriotism. He desires to see his class rank high in all undergraduate activities, athletic and otherwise.
The first opportunity afforded the class of 1914 to show its belief in its own power is the football mass meeting this evening. Those men who take no interest in their class will naturally not attend, but the others, the active element, should all make a point of being present.
A team's success depends to a degree not generally appreciated upon the support accorded by the men it represents. The Freshman football team has not yet progressed far, but a well-attended meeting tonight will hasten the team's development, and give its members confidence : What is more important, it will furnish the members of the class an opportunity for gaining that mutual understanding and co-operation through which alone any class becomes a power in the undergraduate community.
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