
Dining Halls Open Tomorrow

Memorial Hall.

Memorial Hall will open tomorrow for the year with breakfast at 7.15 o'clock. The hours for meals will be as follows: week-days, breakfast, 7.15 to 9.45; lunch, 12 to 1.30; dinner, 5.30 to 7.30; Sundays and holidays, breakfast, 8 to 10; lunch, 12.30 to 1.45; dinner, 5.30 to 6.50. Breakfast will be served for one hour after the closing of the regular breakfast period, but only on extra orders and at tables especially reserved for such service. Any member of the University may become a member of the Hall by applying at the Auditor's Office today between 8 A. M. and 6 P. M., and any day hereafter.

Meals will be served on the American plan at the rate of $5.50 a week, an increase of 25 cents upon last year's rate. The usual extra-order list will also be maintained. The charges for single meals are: breakfast, 30 cents; lunch, 35 cents; dinner, 40 cents. Any member of the University may buy single meal tickets, but this privilege may be withdrawn if its use conflicts with the proper service of the regular members. Members who have filed a $400 bond with the Bursar may have their board charged upon their term bills; others are required to make a deposit for the purpose with the Bursar at the rate of $6 a week. As in the past, allowance will be made for week-end absence.

Club tables will be assigned as soon as practicable after the Hall is opened to all groups of members wishing to eat together, the management reserving the right to fix the maximum and minimum membership. Each club table will choose one of its members to act for it in dealing with the management. Smoking will be permitted in the main dining hall at dinner within a fixed period.

Randall Hall.


Randall Hall will open for breakfast tomorrow at 7.30. The hours of meals will be as follows: week-days, breakfast, 7.30 to 9.20; lunch, 12 to 1.35; dinner, 5.30 to 7.05; Sundays and holidays, breakfast, 8.15 to 9.50; lunch, 12.30 to 1.35; dinner, 5.30 to 6.35. Meals are served exclusively a la carte.

Membership to Randall Hall is open to all members of the University for a fee of $3, which will not be accepted in cash, but will be charged on the term bills of all who have filed bonds with the Bursar. Men who have not filed bonds will have to make an initial deposit of at least $15 with the Bursar for board expenses, and maintain a deposit of not less than $10. Trial membership without payment of fee will be allowed for one week.

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