
Final and Make-up Examinations

Examinations begin at 9.15 A. M. They must not extend beyond three hours.

Regulations: "No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject whatever.

"A student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations." Final Examinations Today. Architecture 2b,  Holden Astronomy 5,  Astron. Lab. Chemistry 7,  Sever 18 Class. Philol. 52,  Sever 17 Comp. Lit. 8,  Sever 23 English 14,  Sever 5 French 1bIv, v,  Upper Mass. Government 15,  Emerson D Greek G,  Sever 24 Land. Arch. 6,  Robinson Latin B: Sect. IV, Mr. Fobes,  Sever 17 Sect. V, Professor Rand,  Sever 18 Latin 2b,  Sever 17 Mathematics 10,  Holden Metallurgy 15,  Sever 24 Mining 1,  Emerson D Philosophy 3,  Lawrence 1 Philosophy 18,  Lower Mass. Physics 1,  Emerson D Slavic 2a,  Sever 24 Comp. Lit. 1: (Assignment of rooms, Comp. Lit. 1). Allen to Dunbar (inclusive),  Sever 29 Elliott to Jewett (inclusive),  Sever 30 Jones to Rideout (inclusive),  Sever 35 Robbins to Yamins (inclusive),  Sever 36 History 13: (Assignment of rooms, History 13). Adair to Kenyon (inclusive),  Upper Mass. Kittredge to Yarnall (inclusive),  Lower Mass. Physics C: (Assignment of rooms, Physics C). Alger to Ju (inclusive),  Zool. Lect. Room G. Kaemmerling to Neilson (inclusive),  Pierce 202 Nesmith to Steele (inclusive),  Pierce 209 Stifel to Yen (inclusive),  Pierce 212 Final Examinations Tomorrow. Anthropology 8,  Sever 5 Celtic 3 hf.,  Lower Mass. Chemistry 4,  Sever 6 Chemistry 13,  Sever 6 Engineering 17b,  Pierce 202 French A,  Upper Mass. French 21 hf.,  Sever 6 Greek and Latin 5,  Sever 17 History 25 hf.,  Sever 17 Mathematics 17,  Upper Mass. Philosophy 4,  Emerson D German A: (Assignment of rooms, German A). Professor Bierwirth's sects. VII, XI,  Harvard 6 Dr. Boesche's sect. VIII,  Harvard 6 Mr. Ibershoff's sects. X, XII,  Harvard 5 Dr. Lieder's sect. IX,  Harvard 5 Mr. Hildreth's sects. III, V,  Lower Massachusetts

Mr. Pettengill's sects. I, II,  Lower MassachusettsDr. Stewart's sect. IV,  Sever 5Dr. Weber's sect. VI,  Sever 52.30 P. M.Engineering 3d,  Pierce 20
