The authorities of the University, Tufts College, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston College, Boston University, the Museum of Fine Arts, Wellesley College, and Simmons College have now completed their plans for university extension courses in Boston for the year 1910-11. The courses which it is proposed to give are designed to benefit students who cannot attend college and will correspond as closely as possible with courses regularly given in the various institutions mentioned above. They will be conducted in the same manner and those taking a course will be required to do the same amount of work required of a regular college student. One great advantage of these courses is that they will be given by regular professors and instructors of the various institutions interested and no instructors will be employed who are not thoroughly competent teachers. This work will include the Lowell Institute collegiate courses and many of the Boston University courses for teachers.
For circulars containing information about these courses application may be made to the Commission on Extension Courses, University Hall.
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