

This evening the undergraduates will enjoy one of the rare opportunities for hearing a Cambridge concert by the University musical clubs, and the reception accorded to these organizations should be such, as to insure the permanence of this custom. Coming on the eve of the Yale baseball game and two days before Class Day, this concert forms a part of the Class Day festivities--one which should be generally appreciated and which should receive substantial support.

The musical clubs have often been criticized for giving so few concerts in Cambridge, and this criticism has not been entirely unwarranted. We appreciate the hard work which is annually put into the musical clubs, and hope that in future they will be allowed more opportunity to give concerts away from Cambridge.

They should feel, however, that their first duty is to the University, and, whenever the occasion arises, should be ready to further undergraduate interests. Concerts in the Yard have been few this year, but the one in Sanders tonight will fill this partial vacancy and be a stepping stone to more general enjoyment of the musical clubs by the University.
