
Coupons in Use at Memorial Hall

Coupons will be used for all extra orders at Memorial Hall beginning today. Such coupons must be paid for in cash. Unused portions of the coupon-books will be redeemed if presented at the office of the hall before July 1.

After next Tuesday board by the week will cease, and all meals must be paid for in coupons or cash, at the rate of 25 cents for breakfast, 30 cents for lunch, and 30 cents for dinner. The hall will continue running at these prices until Class Day, if the receipts justify its remaining open.

Policy of Past Year to be Continued.

The University Dining Council has announced that the policy, followed this year with mediocre success in the management of Memorial and Randall Halls, will be continued next year. During the past College year, the fiscal results of this investment by the Corporation have been fairly satisfactory. Though the profits were not large enough to add anything to the sinking fund, it was possible to pay the interest on the debt. Had not the cost of food-stuffs greatly increased, it is probable that the annual addition to the sinking fund could have been made.

A further result of the advance in prices of food products will necessitate raising the price of weekly board at Memorial Hall to $5.50.


The attendance at Memorial has been more consistent than last year and has enabled the Dining Council to keep the hall open later than usual. The falling off of membership at Randall, however, necessitated its closing yesterday.
