

We are told that powerful lungs denote a lusty baby, and we rejoice to see that the undergraduate body is as healthy as ever. Singing, too, is a delightful form of relaxation--delightful and apparently irresistibly alluring to the home-coming Freshman, no matter what the hour of the night, or whom it wakes. And when the vocal equipment of the perennially youthful undergraduate renders it unavailing for him to attempt sweet strains of harmony, shouting is no end of a relief to his surcharged spirits. But tempting as this species of amusement may be to alleviate the excessive exuberance of these nocturnal revellers, it makes a sorry lullaby for those who would like to sleep. Some of us merely like to sleep, but there are others who need their rest, and it will be more than inconsiderate if these noisy brawlers continue to make hideous the night.
