At the annual consolation games held in the Stadium yesterday, the times were slow, owing to the wet track and the chilly weather. The best race was the quarter-mile, won by D. B. Adams '12 in the time of 54 2-5 seconds. The 220-yard dash was another well-contested race, in which R. S. Tobey '12 just beat F. S. Blanchard '10 in the last few feet. The low hurdles were shortened to 120-yards owing to the wet track. The field events have been postponed until this afternoon at 4 o'clock as the pits were in poor condition.
The summary:
Track Events.
100-yard dash.--First heat won by F. S. Blanchard '10; second, R. S. Tobey '12. Time, 11 1-5s. Second heat won by L. H. Cushing '11; second, J. H. Storer, Jr., '11. Time, 11 1-5s. Final heat won by F. S. Blanchard '10; second, L. H. Cushing '11; third, R. S. Tobey '12. Time, 11s.
220-yard dash.--Won by R. S. Tobey '12; second, F. S. Blanchard '10; third, H. Cutting '13. Time, 24s.
440-yard dash.--Won by D. B. Adams '12; second, H. E. Eaton '12; third, K. B. Day '11. Time, 54 2-5s.
880-yard run.--Won by A. Fraser-Campbell '11; second, S. H. Bowles '12; third, L. H. Chenoweth '12. Time, 2m., 4s.
One-mile run.--Won by P. C. Heald '11; second, R. H. Rowse '12; third, G. R. Harding '11. Time, 4m., 45s.
Two-mile run.--Won by W. A. Perkins '12; second, F. W. Copeland '13; third, J. R. Tunis '11. Time, 10m., 28s.
120-yard high hurdles.--Won by D. A. Steele '13; second, E. R. Squibb '11. Time, 21s.
120-yard low hurdles.--Won by D. A. Steele '13; second, E. R. Squibb '11; third, J. J. Hayes '11. Time, 17s.
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