

Poor Times Because of Soft Track.--Field Events to be Held Today.

At the annual consolation games held in the Stadium yesterday, the times were slow, owing to the wet track and the chilly weather. The best race was the quarter-mile, won by D. B. Adams '12 in the time of 54 2-5 seconds. The 220-yard dash was another well-contested race, in which R. S. Tobey '12 just beat F. S. Blanchard '10 in the last few feet. The low hurdles were shortened to 120-yards owing to the wet track. The field events have been postponed until this afternoon at 4 o'clock as the pits were in poor condition.

The summary:

Track Events.

100-yard dash.--First heat won by F. S. Blanchard '10; second, R. S. Tobey '12. Time, 11 1-5s. Second heat won by L. H. Cushing '11; second, J. H. Storer, Jr., '11. Time, 11 1-5s. Final heat won by F. S. Blanchard '10; second, L. H. Cushing '11; third, R. S. Tobey '12. Time, 11s.

220-yard dash.--Won by R. S. Tobey '12; second, F. S. Blanchard '10; third, H. Cutting '13. Time, 24s.


440-yard dash.--Won by D. B. Adams '12; second, H. E. Eaton '12; third, K. B. Day '11. Time, 54 2-5s.

880-yard run.--Won by A. Fraser-Campbell '11; second, S. H. Bowles '12; third, L. H. Chenoweth '12. Time, 2m., 4s.

One-mile run.--Won by P. C. Heald '11; second, R. H. Rowse '12; third, G. R. Harding '11. Time, 4m., 45s.

Two-mile run.--Won by W. A. Perkins '12; second, F. W. Copeland '13; third, J. R. Tunis '11. Time, 10m., 28s.

120-yard high hurdles.--Won by D. A. Steele '13; second, E. R. Squibb '11. Time, 21s.

120-yard low hurdles.--Won by D. A. Steele '13; second, E. R. Squibb '11; third, J. J. Hayes '11. Time, 17s.
