

The prize for a dramatic production offered to Harvard students by Mr. John Craig is a significant recognition of the work which has been done of late by Harvard dramatists. It is, furthermore, a gratifying evidence of the interest of professionals in our work, and a proof that they believe that the art of play-writing can be taught. The fellowship of $600 offered by the MacDowell Club some months ago, shows also the interest in the drama of people primarily connected with the other arts, and their desire to have its instruction in the University encouraged.

During the last four years, under the influence of Professor Baker's course on the technique of the drama, the interest of the undergraduates in play-writing and dramatic criticism has received a stimulating impulse. Last year the Dramatic Club came into being, and it has already made a distinct place for itself in the University. Considerable experimenting has been done by students in the writing of one-act plays, and with the additional incentive of these prizes we may expect further development of dramatic writing at Harvard.
