The annual Memorial Day exercises to be held under the auspices of the Memorial Society in Sanders Theatre on Monday at 12.15 o'clock will be preceded this year by the unveiling in the Union at 11.30, of a Memorial to the Harvard men who fell in the Spanish War. President Lowell will accept the Memorial in behalf of the University and Mr. Henry James, Jr., '99, will make the presentation.
Bela Lyon Pratt, the sculptor of the frieze, was a former pupil of Augustus St. Gaudens and since the latter's death has completed several of the designs for gold coins which St. Gaudens was working on, notably the present two dollar and a half gold piece. Among Mr. Pratt's most famous works are "The Seasons" in the pavilion of the Library of Congress, the medallion of President Eliot, the statue of Phillips Brooks in Brooks House, besides some interior decorating in the Boston Public Library and the Boston Opera House.
After the unveiling, the guests, members of the Memorial Society, veterans and sons of veterans of the Charles Beck Post will form in a procession and march to Sanders.
President Lowell will officiate at the exercises in Sanders and the Glee Club will sing. After the singing of "America," the Memorial address will be delivered by Mr. J. F. Moors '83. In closing, "Fair Harvard" will be sung by all those present.
Persons not members of the University are requested to bring a small bunch of flowers to place in the transept of Memorial Hall as a memorial offering.
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