

Nocturnal Disturbances.

[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Each year, or rather several times each year, the captains of various athletic teams have to publish appeals in the CRIMSON requesting that roving bands of College youths should cease to make the nights hideous by making catcalls and bellowing snatches of what were once songs. It is only charitable and reasonable to suppose that the majority of these offenders are Freshmen. For they make the noise for one of two reasons; either because they wish people in the vicinity to think that they are devil-may-care, hard-drinking fellows, or they are men who really have been indulging beyond the point of sobriety. If they are not Freshmen, in the first case, they ought to know that men do not win instant and lasting popularity or admiration from other men by being such rakish chaps, and in the second, they should have learned to behave in a respectable way despite the circumstances. What a surprise it would be if these roving bands, without being urged, should hereafter when excess of spirit or spirits overtakes them, retire to some vacant field and there make all the noise they care to far from the shades of Cambridge and the open windows of members of athletic teams, which these same bands supposedly wish to see win games. G. P. GARDNER, JR., '10.
