
Lacrosse with Toronto at 4 o'clock

The University lacrosse team will play the University of Toronto in the Stadium at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Harvard is now champion of the intercollegiate league but the Toronto team is strong and the game promises to be close.

The line-ups: HARVARD.  TORONTO. Hale, p.  i.h., McSloy Leavitt, c.p.  o.h., Dastedo E. Morgan, 1d.  1a., Hetherington Fitts, 2d.  2a., Hinds Nash, 3d.  3a., Park Alexander, c.  c., Goddard Gustafson, 3a.  3d., Thompson Blackett, 2a.  2d., Manning Smith, 1a.  1d., Wood J. P. Morgan, o.h.  c.p., Gundy Shaw, i.h.  p., Hanley Brightman, g.  g., Irwin
