

Prospect Union Teachers.

[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The undersigned desire to call to the attention of the student body the opportunities for social service at the Prospect Union, on Massachusetts avenue, in Cambridgeport. During the past year, 66 students in the University have had an active part in the work of the Prospect Union, mostly as teachers. For next year, there will be need of at least 25 new instructors in reading and spelling, grammar and composition, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, physics, electricity and chemistry, machine and mechanical drawing, public speaking, and other courses as the demand arises.

The students of the Prospect Union are young men, mostly between the ages of 21 and 35. The classes vary in size from five to 20 members. The time required for each class is one hour a week, in the afternoon or evening, and a little extra time is usually expected for preparation and incidental duties.

Each teacher becomes a member of the Teachers' Association, which exercises a general supervision of the educational work. The conduct of each class is left largely to the initiative of the individual teacher. No previous experience is necessary; on the contrary, the Prospect Union offers an exceptional opportunity for the student, through the contact with the earnest workingman, to get a training that will be valuable in any profession.


A representative of the Prospect Union may be found each day this week except Saturday at the Brooks House from 12 to 1.30 o'clock, and he will be glad to meet any member of the University interested.  H. B. PLATT 2L.  P. CRUSIUS '10.  W. K. BLODGETT, 2D, '11.  W. K. GREEN '13
