
Senior Class Notices

Second Application for Class Day Tickets.

Blanks for the second Senior applications for Class Day tickets may now be obtained at the Union, the Cooperative Society, and at Leavitt & Peirce's. Applications will be received until June 1. No application will be received unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope with 12 cents in stamps for postage and registry fee and a check or cash to cover the amount of tickets desired. On this second set of applications there will be no limit placed upon the number of tickets which may be applied for. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.

Information About Alumni Association.

The Harvard Alumni Association will soon send Mr. H. W. Jones '85 from their Boston office to interview personally every member of the Senior class in regard to the work of the association. The work the association is doing is of the sort that should interest every member of the Senior class, because of the fact that after he leaves Cambridge the Alumni Association forms the great connecting link between the undergraduates and the graduates.   C. C. LITTLE.
