
Second Carroll Cup Trials Yesterday

D. J. Lynn '13, A. G. Orr uC., R. S. Parker '12, and C. W. Peabody '12 qualified for the finals of the Carroll Cup race in the trial heat rowed yesterday afternoon. The final race will be rowed this afternoon at 3.30 o'clock over the mile course from the B. A. A. boathouse to the Cottage Farm Bridge. The competitors will be J. M. Eager '10, E. S. Eaton '10, S. A. Friede '12, S. Royce 4s., and the four men who qualified yesterday.

In yesterday's race, the contestants kept together in the lee of the Boston shore for half a mile. Then Lynn drew ahead with Parker close behind, keeping this order until within 250 yards of the finish, when Parker spurted and won easily. Peabody finished third and Orr fourth.
