
Results of Class Tennis Tournament

Only two matches were played in the interclass tournament yesterday, Q. A. S. McKean '13, defeated J. W. Davis '13, 6-3, 5-7, 6-2, and N. E. Paine, Jr., '13 defeated G. Sturgis '13, 6-2, 10-12, 6-1. The remaining matches in the tournament have been postponed until the last of this week or the first of next week.

Trials for University Tennis Team.

Trials for the remaining two places on the University team, which will play Yale next Monday, will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock on Jarvis Field. Matches have been arranged as follows: F. S. Blanchard '10, vs. L. I. Grinnell '12, E. L. Beard, Jr., '10 vs. E. M. Ach '11, T. B. Townsend, Jr., '10 vs. A. M. Hyde '12.

Match with Longwood at 3.30.

The University team will meet the Longwood Cricket Club in singles today at 3.30 o'clock and in doubles tomorrow. The last match before that with Yale will be against the West-Side Tennis Club at New York next Saturday. The University team will consist of G. C. Adams '10, H. Nickerson '11, A. Sweetser '11, J. Wheelwright '10.
