
Schedule of Scrub Baseball Games

The following games will be played in the scrub baseball series today: at 2.30 o'clock, the Home Runners will play the Midnight Sons and at 4 o'clock, the Moulin Rouges will meet the Shamrocks on the diamond north of the Freshman diamoud.

Tomorrow's games are: Shamrocks vs. Rush Leaguers, and Midnight Sons vs. Squabs.

The standing of the teams:   Won.  Lost  P. C. Nine Muses,  2  0  1.000 Bush Leaguers,  1  0  1.000 Midnight Sons,  1  0  1.000 Prickly Heats,  1  0  1.000 Moulin Rouges,  1  1  .500 Shamrocks,  1  1  .500 Armor Plates,  0  1  .000 Home Runners,  0  2  .000 Squabs,  0  2  .000
