

In Celebration of Thirty-Seventh Anniversary.--Pres. Lowell to Speak.

The HARVARD CRIMSON will hold its thirty-seventh anniversary celebration this evening at 7.30 o'clock in the Trophy Room of the Union. At this dinner the present board will entertain nearly eighty guests, about twenty-five of whom are former editors of the CRIMSON and of its fore-runners, the Herald and Magenta. Among the guests invited are President Lowell, G. W. Prothero, late professor of history at the University of Edinburgh and an honorary fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Dr. G. A. Gordon '81, pastor of the Old South Church, Boston.

During the dinner there will be singing by a double quartet from the University Glee Club. F. Ayer, Jr., '11 will act as toastmaster and will call for the following speeches:

"The Yale News."--R. C. Walker, Yale 1911.

"The Daily Princetonian."--J. C. Kennedy, Jr., Princeton; 1911.

"The Cornell Sun."--S. Griffis, Cornell 1910.


"The Freshman Adviser System."--J. Richardson, Jr., '08.

"College Journalism."--Mr. G. W. Prothero.

"The Value of Criticism."--Dr. G. A. Gordon '81.

"Freshmen, Upperclassmen, Instructors, and College Life."--President A. L. Lowell '77.

Before the dinner an informal reception will be held in the CRIMSON Sanctum.
