

The report of the Union Library Committee states that 76 volumes have disappeared from the shelves during the past half-year. This leakage is getting to be a perennial nuisance, and it is time that undergraduate sentiment put an end to it. It is charitable to suppose that the books were removed with the intention of returning them, which is not particularly dishonest, but merely against the rules. Men wishing to take books to other parts of the building are required to sign slips for this purpose, so that the unexplained disappearance of 76 volumes means that they were surreptitiously sneaked past the attendant who sits at the door. This, of course, may have been done with the best of intentions, but the men who "borrowed" these books must be either very lazy or very spineless not to have returned them. Perhaps if these students do not think that they should be fined, they will do the next best thing, and return the books by the same means which their abstraction probably necessitated.
