

Straw Ballot in Law School Only.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

At the suggestion of the presidents of the Republican and Democratic Clubs, the executive committee of the Political Club has decided to limit the straw ballot to the Law School. This is to avoid misconstruction, due to a failure on the part of a number of the under graduates to understand the purpose of the ballot. The resolution proposed has been changed, and now stands in the following form: "That the record of the present administration for the past year would not justify the re-election of President Taft."

At some later date, after opportunity has been given the undergraduates for more mature consideration, the question will probably be placed before them in some different form, such as a choice for presidential candidates. Balloting will be from 10 to 3 o'clock on Monday, in Austin Hall only. R. S. HOAR 2L.
