

Open Only to Graduates.--To be Held in Club Theatre This Evening.

The graduate performance of "Inbad in Trinidad," the Pi Eta Society play for this year, will be given at the Pi Eta Theatre this evening at 8 o'clock. The first public performance will be given in Jordan Hall tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Tickets for the latter are on sale at Herrick's, in Boston, at $1.50 and $1, and at Amee's, in Cambridge, at 75 cents.

The other public performances will be given on the following dates: Tuesday, April 12, the Town Hall, Quincy, Mass.; Friday, April 15, Cummings Theatre, Fitchburg; Wednesday, April 27, and Thursday, April 28, the Pi Eta Theatre, Cambridge; Saturday, April 30, the Court Square Theatre, Springfield, Mass.

The cast of the play is as follows: Senor Don Alonzo Estaban San Salvador, a bull-fighter,  L. H. Baker '10 Marjory McGovern, the consul's daughter,  N. F. Coburn '11 William Ranlast Worst, staff correspondent of the "New York World,"  H. N. Curtis '11 Bob Richardson, drummer for the Nonignito Powder Co.,  H. F. Boynton '10 Michael McGovern, U. S. Consul at Periguay,  P. W. Dunbar '12 General Frijoles, plotting a revolution,  G. D. Pirney '10 Tina, a cigarette girl,  H. R. Morse '12 Senorita Pepita d'Argueles, a Uruguayan Attraction,  P. C. Squire '11 Sam, distantly related to Sinbad the sailor,  G. S. Squibb '11
