

Polls Open from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M.--Business Meeting Tonight at 7.30.

The annual election of officers and committee members of the Union will be held today from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. in the corridor of the Union. The Australian ballot system will be used and no voting by proxy will be permitted. Only active and life members who are students in the University will have the right to vote. The persons receiving the greatest number of votes will be declared elected. The following men have been appointed to take charge at the polls: from 8 to 9, R. Lowell '12 and C. M. Storey '12; 9 to 10, S. A. Sargent, Jr., '10 and A. Strong '12; 10 to 11, R. M. Blackall '12 and G. P. Gardner, Jr., '10; 11 to 12, E. C. Bacon '10 and R. C. Foster '11; 12 to 1, W. B. Parsons '10 and J. A. Sweetser '11; 1 to 2, E. Harding '11 and R. Hornblower '11; 2 to 3, R. T. Fisher '12 and H. L. Gaddis '12; 3 to 4, H. Jaques, Jr., '11 and E. A. Winsor '11. A committee composed of F. Ayer '11, F. A. Forster '10, R. L. Groves '10, R. C. Hallowell '10, E. T. E. Hunt '10, W. A. Lawrence '11, H. Nawn '10, and G. H. Roosevelt '13 has been appointed to count the ballots. Members of the committee are requested to be in the Committee Room of the Union at 4 o'clock. If any of the committee or of the watchers at the polls is unable to attend, he is requested to provide a substitute.

Annual Business Meeting.

The annual business meeting, which the undergraduate members are especially urged to attend, will be held in the Assembly Room, this evening, at 7.30 o'clock. The results of the election will then be announced and the reports of the governing board and of the library committee will be read and acted upon. The following plan for participating membership will also be voted on:

A student spending his final year in an undergraduate department of the University, or a student in any graduate department of the University, or any past member of the University, may become a participating life member by the payment of $10 at the time of application for such membership, and by signing at the time an agreement to pay within the period of four years thereafter, $40, in annual installments of not less than $10 each.

A participating life member upon payment of the last installment to complete the required fee of $50 shall, thereupon, become a life member. A participating life member, who, after due notice, fails to pay any one of such annual installments, when the same is due, shall cease to be a member of the Union, and the payments already made by him shall be deemed payment for dues for the period during which he was a participating life member.



The final list of nominations follows:

President.--Major Henry Lee Higginson '55.

Vice-President.--C. Hann, Jr., '11, E. Harding '11, J. A. Sweetser '11.

Secretary.--H. L. Gaddis '12, R. B. Wigglesworth '12.

Governing Board.--Six to be elected, of whom at least two shall be graduates--F. M. Blagden 1L. (2L.), F. H. Burr 1L. (2L.), J. Richardson, Jr., 2L. (3L.), J. E. Waid '10 (1L.), G. H. Balch '12, H. de Windt '12, R. T. Fisher '12, R. C. Foster '11, H. Jaques, Jr., '11, R. P. Lewis '13, P. D. Smith '11, L. Withington '11.

Library Committee--Seven to be elected, of whom at least three shall be graduates--W. C. Lane '81, C. T. Copeland '82, Professor J. H. Gardiner '85, Professor E. K. Rand '94, W. R. Castle, Jr., '00, H. Hagedorn '07, C. P. Aiken '11, A. Gregg '11, W. C. Greene '11, J. S. Miller '11, J. M. Moore '11, H. T. Pulsifer '11, R. W. Williams '12, W. M. E. Whitelock '13
