Professor Jacob H. Hollander, Ph.D., Professor of political economy at Johns Hopkins University, will give the first of his three lectures on David Ricardo, under the auspices of the Economics Department, in Emerson A this evening at 8 o'clock.
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University CalendarMonday, April 4. *MORNING PRAYERS. Rev. Professor Edward Caldwell Moore. Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M. FACULTY OF DIVINITY. Meeting in
Prof. Hollander on David RicardoProfessor Jacob H. Hollander, Ph.D., professor of political economy at Johns Hopkins University, will give the second of his series
University CalendarTuesday, April 5. *MORNING PRAYERS. Rev. Dr. Francis John McConnell. Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M. FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES.
Prof. Hollander's Last Lecture at 8Professor Jacob H. Hollander, professor of political economy at Johns Hopkins University, will give the last of his series of
University CalendarThursday, April 7. *MORNING PRAYERS. Rev. Dr. Francis John McConnell. Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M. **LECTURES ON THE HYDE FOUNDATION