The scrub baseball games scheduled for yesterday between the Moulin Rouges and the Big Ten, and the Solid Ivories and the Grays, have been postponed until today on account of rain. All the games will be played a day later than as formerly announced, on account of this postponement. There will be no games Saturday. Tomorrow's games will be as follows: Armor Plates vs. Precipitates on the diamond directly north of the Freshman diamond, and Smilax vs. Home Runners on the second team diamond.
The captains of the competing teams must turn in the name of the umpire agreed upon together with the batting order not later than 7 o'clock of the evening before the game. The winning captain must leave the score together with a list of players of both teams in the Leiter Cup box before 7 o'clock on the day of the game; otherwise the game cannot be counted.
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