
Crew Resumes Practice Today

The University crew will resume its regular daily practice today. This is the first work the crew has had for nearly a week, the men having had a lay-off since the Annapolis race last Thursday. It is probable that some changes will be made in the order of the University boat during the next few days. At present Withington is rowing 6 on the second crew but it seems likely that he will regain his position at 4 on the University crew. As Cutler's height and weight could be used to more advantage at 6, and since Newton not only proved a good Freshman stroke last year, but also rowed with good rhythm while stroking the University crew the early part of this year, it is possible that the two men may be interchanged. It is also possible that Balch will go back to bow, leaving the choice for 3 between Hooper, Leslie and Metcalf. Although the real objective of the season, the Yale race, will be kept constantly in view, the work from now until May 30 will be in preparation for the Cornell race.
