

Squad of 16 Men Leaves Today.-Four Games to be Played on Trip.

The University lacrosse team will leave Cambridge this evening for its southern trip, on which four games will be played. The team will take the Federal Express to Baltimore, where the first game will be played with Johns Hopkins University on their grounds at Homewood tomorrow afternoon.

The team will stay at the Hotel Bennert in Baltimore until Wednesday. On Monday it will play a practice game against the Mt. Washington Country Club at Mt. Washington. Light practice will be held on Tuesday; and on Wednesday the team will leave for Annapolis. The game against Annapolis will be at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The team will spend the night at Carvel Hall, leaving for Philadelphia early Thursday morning. In the afternoon a game will be played with Swarthmore at Chester, Pa. The team will return to Philadelphia for the night, taking a train for New York Friday morning, where they will play against Stevens Institute on the latter's grounds at Hoboken Saturday afternoon.

This schedule for the southern trip is the same as that of last year with the exception that Swarthmore has been substituted for Lehigh. The University team broke even on the four games played on the trip last year. This season the games will be even harder, as Swarthmore is a more difficult game than Lehigh; also Annapolis has an especially strong team.

The following 16 men will be taken on the trip: Captain F. C. Alexander '10, H. Brightman '11, W. C. Blackett '12, P. Gustafson '12, G. R. Hale '12, W. Hodgdon '11, P. Leavitt '10, E. Morgan '11, J. P. Morgan '11, R. K. Nash '11, A. B. See '12, R. N. Shaw '10, R. P. Smith '10, Manager H. S. Bailey '10, Assistant Manager K. B. Day '11, Coach E. A. Menary.
