
Lacrosse Meeting in Union Tonight

There will be a meeting of all candidates for the University lacrosse team in the Assembly Room of the Union this evening at 6.45 o'clock. Addresses will be made by three graduates: W. F. Thompson '09, of last year's team; D. P. Penhallow '03, captain of the 1903 team; and Mr. W. F. Garcelon '95. F. C. Alexander '10, captain of the team, and H. S. Bailey '11, manager, will also speak.

Practice will begin tomorrow afternoon and will continue daily behind the Hemenway Gymnasium until Soldiers Field is available. For the first time, this year a regular second team will be formed to aid in the development of the University team. This second team will also have its own schedule, which is now being made out. The schedules for the University and the Freshman teams have been completed, but have not yet been ratified by the Athletic Committee.

In the last five years Harvard has won the championship once and tied for it twice. The prospects for another successful team this year are very encouraging. F. C. Alexander '10, G. K. Downer '10, P. H. Leavitt '10, P. C. Nash '11, and R. P. Smith '10, of last year's team are eligible. There is also some excellent material from the 1912 team.
