
1913 Debate with Yale on April 29

The annual Harvard-Yale Freshman debate will be held in New Haven on Friday evening, April 29; the subject for the debate will be announced in the CRIMSON on March 18.

There will be three trials for candidates for the team, at which men may speak on either side of the question. The first trial, to be held on March 21, will consist of five-minute speeches, and as many men as prove valuable in the judgment of the committee will be retained. At the second and third trials, to be held on March 28 and 25, ten-minute speeches will be given. Six men will be retained as a result of the third trial, from which three speakers and an alternate will be chosen for the debate. All Freshmen wishing further information in regard to the trials should see R. H. Smith '10 in Stoughton 24, on Thursday evening, March 15, at 7 o'clock. Entries for trials must be made to the chairman of the committee in charge before 7 o'clock on March 17. The committee is composed of R. H. Smith '10, chairman, W. G. Greene '11, and C. M. Makepeace '13.
