

Articles of Agreement Between Civic and Speaking Clubs Formulated.

Plans for the federation of the civic and speaking clubs have been definitely formulated. The committee, consisting of R. H. Smith '10, R. S. Hoar 2L., E. E. Hunt '10, T. M. Gregory '10, and H. M. Potter '10, has drawn up the articles of agreement given below. Each club is to accept, amend, or reject this plan, and to send two delegates to a convention to be held in the Union next Thursday at 9 o'clock.

The articles of agreement follow:

The name of this organization shall be The Council of Federated Clubs.

Its objects shall be to federate and stimulate the individual activities of its component clubs, and to provide an open forum for the discussion of common topics.

Its officers shall be a Chairman and a Secretary-Treasurer.


Membership: Any club in Harvard University, ratifying these articles of agreement and being formally admitted by the Council, shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of this organization. Each component club may select two representatives to sit as members of the Council. Representatives of the component clubs in the Council shall be classified as civic, forensic, and unclassified. The representatives of each group in caucus assembled shall elect one member of the Executive Committee, who shall also act as chairman of the caucus. The Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer of the Council shall be ex-officiis members of the Executive Committee and shall act as its officers. Any component club may, after giving one month's notice of its intent to the Council, withdraw from this organization. But no club shall be expelled by the Council except for the non-payment of dues or assessments.

The annual dues shall be $2 per club payable in advance. Additional assessments may be levied only by a majority of the whole Council.

The Council has full power to take cognizance as it sees fit of matters of common interest to the component clubs and to call and provide for meetings of the forum; to refer matters of special interest to the appropriate club; and to arbitrate matters in dispute among its members.

The Council has no power to amalgamate constituent clubs, or to alter or abolish any club without its consent.

These articles of agreement may be amended by a majority of all the members of the Council, notice of such amendment having, been given to the constituent clubs one week in advance.
