

To be Held from June 24 to July 3.--Size and Nature of Conference.

The annual Northfield Student Conference of Young Men's Christian Associations for colleges of the East will be held this year from June 24 to July 3 inclusive, as usual at East Northfield, Mass., on the grounds of the Northfield Seminary.

The primary purpose of the Conference is to provide a natural opportunity for men from the different colleges to meet for an unhurried consideration, in especially agreeable surroundings, of the vital significance of Christianity for the colleges and for the college man in his various callings. The daily program includes two meetings of all the delegations, group classes for Bible study, mission study, or the study of social problems, and larger group conferences on life work. The afternoons are given over entirely to recreation; an intercollegiate baseball series, a tennis tournament and a track meet are among the diversions arranged. The leaders and speakers are always men well acquainted with student life, and men who have taken an active interest in developing the religious life in the colleges.

The Harvard delegation usually includes from twenty-five to fifty men, mainly from the College, but representing all departments of the University. A number of graduates also attend. Men interested in learning further particulars may inquire at the Phillips Brooks House.
