A Canvass of the University will begin today in order to raise money for the gift of a swimming pool to the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. The cost is estimated at $10,000, of which $3,290 has already been contributed. The Student Council in recommending this gift hopes that every man in the University will give his hearty support to the undertaking.
The following collectors have been appointed: Apley, H. F. Corbett '11; Apthorp, M. E. Peabody '11; Beck, C. Hann '11; 9 Bow street, G. H. Balch '12; Claverly, H. Jaques, Jr., '11, O. Wolcott '13; college House, G. C. Loud '13; Conant, L. A. Babbitt 3G.; Craigie, A. Beane sC.; Dana, H. MacNider '11; Drayton, R. D. Morse '11; Dunster, J. Elliot '12; Foxcroft, J. R. Desha '12; Grays, G. L. Wendt '13; Hampden, G. P. Gardner, Jr., '10; Hollis, A. B. Parsons '10; Holworty, R. L. Groves '10; Holyoke street, A. Beane sC.; Little's. C. Bacon '10; Mt. Auburn street, E. D. Smith '13; 68 Mt. Auburn street, A. strong '12; Mathews, D. C. Parmenter '13; Perkins, B. W. Moffat '13; Randolph, L. Godfrey '13, R. G. Ervin '13; Randolph, L. Godfrey '13, R. G. Ervin '13; Ridgely, A. E. Stow '12; Russell, G. R. Harding '11; Stoughton, D. B. Priest '10; Thayer, A. E. Strauss '12; Waiter Hastings, G. I. Lewis 2L.; Ware, G. G. Jones '13; Weld, P. H. Smith '11; Westmorly, H. E. Wetzel '11,
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