Wednesday, March 2.
**MORNING PRAYERS. Rev. Charles Edwards Park. Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M.
*LECTURE. "The Principles of Immunology and their Applicability to Diagnosis and Therapy." I. Dr. F. P. Gay. Lecture Room, Building E, Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 3 P. M. Open to members of the University and to physicians.
BOTANICAL CLUB. "The Structure of the Wood-ray in Living and Cretaceous Pines." Mr. I. W. Bailey. Room 11, 2d floor, University Museum, 4.45 P. M.
*LECTURE. "The Sight Rate of Foreign Exchange." Mr. John E. Gardin, Vice-President of National City Bank, New York, N. Y. Emerson A, 8 P. M.
**READINGS FROM FRENCH WRITERS. III. "Polypheme" and "La mule du pape." Mr. Louis Allard. Emerson J, 8 P. M.
*LECTURES ON MODERN COMPOSERS. V. "Bruckner and Wolf." Professor Spalding. Songs of Hugo Wolf, by Miss Alice Robbins Cole. Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, 8.15 P. M.
Thursday, March 3.
*LECTURE. "The Principles of Immunology and their Applicability to Diagnosis and Therapy." II. Dr. F. P. Gay. Lecture Room, Building E, Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 3 P. M. Open to members of the University and to physicians.
*PATHOLOGICAL COLLOQUIUM. "Remarks on Landry's Paralysis." Dr. Emma W. Mooers. "Convulsive Tendencies daring and after Encephalitis." Drs. E. E. Southard and W. P. Lucas. Lecture Room, Building D, Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 4 P. M. Open to members of the University and to physicians.
*ZOOLOGICAL CLUB. "The Problems of Individuality and Polarity as seen in Hydra." Professor H. W. Rand. Zoological Laboratory, 4th floor, Room 4, 4.45 P. M.
BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONCERT. Soloist: Miss Janet Duff. Sanders Theatre, 8 P. M. Program: Bruckner, Symphony in E major, No. 7; Gluck, "Che Faro" ("Orfeo"); Arthur Foote, Suite in E major, op. 63, for String Orchestra; Songs, (a) Schubert, "Der Wanderer," (b) Brahms, "Sapphische Ode," (c) Korbay, "Birthday Song"; Smetana, Overture, "The Sold Bride."
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